There are many benefits to using LED lights, and shoppers should weigh their options when choosing to purchase them.
Long-lasting: Because LED lights are extremely efficient in producing light, they last a very long time. In fact, LED lights can last from 50,000 to 100,000 hours, which is at least four times as long as a standard light bulb and twice as long as a CFL bulb - and they provide super bright allumination.
Safety: LED lights are also safer for shoppers because they are encased in die-cast aluminium body, making them harder to break. Additionally, LED lights do not produce heat when they form light so they remain cool to the touch.
Reduce Bugs: Bugs are attracted to incandescent lights because of the heat and wavelength of light they provide; however, because LED lights are not hot and use a different wavelength, bugs around exterior LED lights are reduced.
Cost: Although LED lights can initially seem like a big expense, when split over the course of many years, they are a much smarter choice for cost-savvy consumers. In fact, using LED lights can save homeowners 80 percent on their electric bills