


A transistor regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals. A transistor consists of three layers of a semiconductor material, each capable of carrying a current. A semiconductor is a material such as germanium and silicon that conducts electricity in a "semi-enthusiastic" way. It's somewhere between a real conductor such as copper and an insulator (like the plastic wrapped around wires).

Transistors are the basic elements in integrated circuits (IC's), which consist of very large numbers of transistors interconnected with circuitry and baked into a single silicon microchip or "chip."

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2N2222A P2N2222A TO92 75v 600mA 300Mhz NPN Transistor EMK310
2N2222A P2N2222A TO92 75v 600mA 300Mhz NPN Transistor NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for..
Ex Vat: R2.52
2SB1383 Darlington PNP 120v 25A Transistor (Complementary 2SD2083)
2SB1383 Darlington PNP 120v 25A Transistor (Complementary 2SD2083) ..
Ex Vat: R69.48
2SB1560 Darlington PNP Transistor (Complementary 2SD2390)
2SB1560 Darlington Audio PNP Transistor (Complementary 2SD2390) ..
Ex Vat: R69.48
2SB1647 Darlington Audio PNP Transistor (Complementary 2SD2560)
2SB1647 Darlington Audio PNP Transistor (Complementary 2SD2560) Application: Audio, Series Regula..
Ex Vat: R43.39
2SC1845 120v 50mA NPN Tranistor TO92 (Complementary 2SA992)
2SC1845 SC1845 Tranistor TO92 (Complementary 2SA992) ..
Ex Vat: R4.35
2SD1047 140V 12A TO03 NPN Transistor (complementary 2SB817)
2SD1047 140V 12A TO03 NPN Transistor (complementary 2SB817) ..
Ex Vat: R47.83
2SD1062 50V 12A TO220 NPN Transistor (complementary 2SB826)
2SD1062 50V 12A TO220 NPN Transistor (complementary 2SB826) ..
Ex Vat: R23.04
2SD2083 Darlington 120v 25A (Complement to type 2SB1560)
2SD2083 Darlington 120v 25A (Complement to type 2SB1560) ..
Ex Vat: R60.78
2SD2390 Darlington 160v 10A (Complement to type 2SB1560)
2SD2390 Darlington  160v 10A (Complement to type 2SB1560) BIN ..
Ex Vat: R60.78
2SD2560 Darlington Audio NPN Transistor (complementary 2SB1647)
2SD2560 Darlington Audio NPN Transistor (complementary 2SB1647) Polarity: NPN Maximum collecto..
Ex Vat: R43.39
2SD525 2SD525-Y TO220 NPN Triple Diffused Transistor
2SD525 2SD525-Y TO220 NPN Triple Diffused Transistor  ..
Ex Vat: R13.04
2SD669A 160v 1.5A TO-126 NPN Transistor (complementary B649A)
2SD669A 160v 1.5A TO-126 NPN Transistor (complementary B649A) ..
Ex Vat: R5.22
BC516 Darlington PS 40V 400mA 150Mhz TO92
BC516 Darlington PS 40V 400mA 150Mhz TO92 ..
Ex Vat: R1.32
BF422 TO092 250v 50mA High Voltage Transistor NPN (BF423 PNP)
BF422 TO092 250v 50mA High Voltage Transistor NPN   ..
Ex Vat: R0.87
BF423 TO092 250v 50mA High Voltage Transistor PNP (BF422 NPN)
BF423 TO092 250v 50mA High Voltage Transistor PNP   ..
Ex Vat: R0.87
CH340G CG-340G IC R3 Serial Chip SOP16
CH340G CG-340G IC R3 Serial Chip SOP16 USB Driver Download CH340:
Ex Vat: R19.57
K50T60 50A 600V IGBT NPN IKW50N60T
K50T60 50A 600V IGBT NPN IKW50N60T   ..
Ex Vat: R60.78
MN2488 TO03 NPN Transistor (complementary MP1620)
MN2488 TO03 NPN Transistor (complementary MP1620) ..
Ex Vat: R60.87
MP1620 TO03 PNP Transistor (complementary MN2488)
MP1620 TO03 PNP Transistor (complementary MN2488) ..
Ex Vat: R60.87
MPSA13 Darlington NS 30V 300mA 125Mhz TO92
MPSA13 Darlington NS 30V 300mA 125Mhz TO92 ..
Ex Vat: R1.32