We offer the PUDO couriers as an option. Goods are shipped in appropriate packaging for the item/s ordered. This is a locker to locker service, it is imperative that you enter a locker address for delivery if you want to use this option. No deliveries can be done to postal or street addressess.
Tracking can be done on the The Courier Guy website: http://thecourierguy.co.za/track
We only release orders that are fully paid.
NB:The responsibility and ownership of the order / items in the parcel move buyer / customer when proof ( tracking number) is provided and the parcel is handed over to shipping company. The onus falls on the buyer / customer to track the parcel and liaise with the shipping company should any queries arise.
We offer the PostNet couriers as an option. Goods are shipped in the A3 plastic envelope (flyer). This is a counter to counter service ONLY, it is imperative that you enter a PostNet Branch for delivery if you want to use this option. No deliveries can be done to postal addressess or physical addresses
Tracking can be done on the Postnet website: https://www.postnet.co.za/tracker
You are free to collect from our office in Pretoria or instruct you own courier to collect the item from us, the courier must be paid by you.
For more information please call 012 348 4858